Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Game 5 Reinforce Fort Ourse Malodorante

British forces have laid siege to a French Fort. Marquis Louis-Joseph de Montcalm has ordered that reinforcements be sent to the fort.

Running Bear has joined the British, the French have failed too many times to keep their promises.
To win the French must leave the opposite table edge with at least 50% of their force.  British and Indians need to prevent them. 3 Campaign points to each officer on the winning sideAlso 1 VP for any officer/leader captured to the officer of the unit capturing the officer. For side plot objectives, the officer or his commanded units must carry out the side plot, not other officers or their commands.

There are 2 tracks on the western board edge, Fort Ourse Malodorante lies to the east. Le Vert and Jean la Fleur start on the western edge, Henri Leclerc starts on the eastern edge.

Running Bear starts somewhere in the middle of the table, Sidney’s regulars are on the edge of the clearing around the fort to the east.

Game 3 Raid on Running Bear's camp Post game report

Running bears camp all is peaceful. Running bear is away with a hunting party leaving the camp in the capable hands of.

Game Results

German Jaegar officer Johann von Ewald  suceeded in burning down the village, however didn't protect the British regulars, and did not take  a prisoner. Johann scores 3 Vps

Indian ally recruitment game 4

Sidney Fitz-Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw ( British officer) and Le Vert are tasked with scouting this area; and recruiting an Indian tribe to their cause. The village location is not know.

In each sq. foot of table is a token. The players must collect tokens. There are 4 tokens of 6 different colours. "Encountering" a token triggers an event card.
The location of the Indian Village will be discovered by spending an action looking for the village. An average die is rolled, if the score is less than the number of colours found then the search is successful.

Sidney Fitz-Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw makes off having succeeded in recruiting the tribe of Indians and scores 2 VPs. Neither officer scouted the whole table.

Events List

Scouting Events

You startle a deer, you see its white fluffy tail disappear in the undergrowth. (1-2 on D6 you are no longer hidden)

You startle a rabbit, you see its white fluffy tail disappear in the undergrowth.(1 on D6 you are no longer hidden)

A squirrel turns, looks at you and then runs up a nearby tree.(1 on D6 you are no longer hidden)

You disturb a group of vultures feeding, they fly off the carrion and circle overhead, (1-3 on D6 you are no longer hidden)

You disturb a lone backwoodsman. He looks up and turns to run. You get the opportunity for a shot do you take it?

You disturb a lone Indian. He looks up and turns to run. You get the opportunity for a shot do you take it?

You come across a pack of abandoned trade goods.

You come across a small open glade.

You come across a large open glade.

You come across a man made clearing.

You come across an area of marsh.

You come across an area of open rough ground.

You encounter a group of Indians.

You encounter a group of backwoodsmen.

There is nothing remarkable.

You come across some human tracks.

You have disturbed a bear. You get one shot before it attacks.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Game 3 Raid on Running Bear's Camp Player Briefing

Defence of Running Bear's Hunting Camp
Running Bear has set up camp on the side  of Schoharie Creek. This is a temporary home for raiding the settlements in the colony of New York. The camp is peaceful, Running Bear made arrangement for  Lieutenant, the Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw to be exchanged for French officer. He was getting way too friendly with " colombe blanche", Running Bear’s cousin.
The game objective is a British Raid on an Indian camp. To win the British must destroy the buildings, the French and Indians need to prevent them. 3 Campaign points to each officer on the winning side. If half the buildings are destroyed it's a draw, 1 point each. Also 1 VP for any officer/leader captured to the officer of the unit capturing the officer. For side plot objectives, the officer or his commanded units must carry out the side plot, not other officers or their commands.
Player Briefings
Running Bear
This is your camp so you need to protect it! You must personally kill more enemy than any other Indian leader or officer  for  2 VP.
Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw British Officer
You have returned to active service after being exchanged for a French officer, a shame really as you thought "colombe blanche" was succumbing to your charms.  Although you tried to ingratiate yourself with Running Bear, he doesn’t  believe you have the courage required to become a brace in his tribe. You could prove him wrong.
By happenchance your unit is attached to some rangers and they have discovered Running Bear's forward camp. Your orders are to destroy it, however perhaps this is fate and " colombe blanche"  will run into your arms; well if she doesn’t I'm sure a quick blow to the head and you can get one of your men to carry her! 1 VP for her capture.
If you personally kill more than Running Bear, and you may yet win the heart of “colombe blanche”, do this and you will get 3 VP. Of course if you act true to type and avoid all melees you’ll get 2 VP.
Le Vert French Officer
You have recently returned from the officer prisoner exchange, Montmorency Featherstonehaw was trying to imgreciate himself with “colombe blanche". However she only like the bravest of warriors. Yourather fancy your own chances, after all there are so few French ladies in New France. To gain her eye you must personally kill more of the enemy than  Johann von Ewald or Featherstonehaw, do this for 2 VPs
The current reputation of the French regulars is excellent.  In this game you and your troops must show courage. To fulfil the conditions of this side plot, no units of your officer must suffer a Flight or Rout in a reaction test, succeed for 2 VPs.
Johann von Ewald

A group of British regulars under the command of Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw is accompanying you on the raid of Running Bears camp. General Jeffrey Amherst has asked you to keep an eye on Monty, hes been losing a lot of regulars.  You must protect the regular infantry, and if Monty gets shot well that’s his look out. You score 2 Vps if more than half of the regulars survive  the raid. You have also been asked to bring back  prisoners, 1 VP for each prisoner in your possession at the end of the game.
Running Bears Camp before the raid

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Campaign Progress

Le Vert French Regular officer  Total 6 VP
1st game  blew the bridge.  1VP
2nd Game French Victory 3VP captured British officer 1 VP and 1 VP for destroying British regular unit

Running Bear  Total 4 VP
1st did take  the scalp of   Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw, however lost alot of braves
2nd game took more scalps than casualties so 1 VP
2nd game French Victory 3 VP

Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy French Canadian Total 3 VP
1st game failed to take any prisoners and barely escaped being scalped
2nd Game French Victory 3 VP

Lieutenant, the Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw total 2 VPs
2nd Game was captured but did see that his men got the cognac home  - 2 VPs

Henri Leclerc, a French regular officer - 1VP
1st Game Achieved sideline objective by killing more enemy than received casualties 1 VP

German Jaegar officer Johann von Ewald   Total 1 VP
1st game  rescued his cousin.  1 VP

Deceased characters
Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw British Officer was scalped and the bridge was blown....

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Game 2 Post Game report Raid on the Schoharie Trading Post.

 British Deployed in the Trading Post, French and Indian Allies entering from far table edge

 The British Regulars advance down the track, true to form without any light infantry accompanying them.

 The British regulars have been shot at and recoil into the wood.
 Event Card 1 and we roll 11, so there is a solar eclipse!
Night time rules in force until the event card is draw again next turn.

 The Rangers hastily retrieve the Cognac from the trading post building.

 Le Vert and Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy advance their forces and close in on the British regulars.
The British Rangers start to make for the canoes.

Running Bear's war party burns one of the buildings and takes on the Schoharie Militia, Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw allows the women in the canoes first and the cognac for his twin brothers wake.

The Militia take more fire from the French Canadians. 

The British Rangers now exposed and start to fire upon the French. Still 
Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw stands by and allows the women into the boats, what a gentleman....or rather unlucky the Civilian card came up before the British Regulars card!

Brave Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw has been attacked, he fell into the creek, and now has been set upon by Running Bear. Fortunately he avoids scalping as the French officers exert some discipline, recognising the opportunity to learn more about the British forces in New York Colony.

Rangers and Canadians exchange fire

The rangers return down creek to retrieve the Cognac, Running Bears braves have got carried away and gave shot the women. Red Squirel Fist is going to be most displeased his wedding will be off again! 

Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw will get his wake as the Rangers make off with the cognac, unfortunately his twin will be unable to make it.

The French have burnt down the trading post and killed the civilians so winning the scenarios. 
Running Bear took more scalps than lost braves.
Running Bear captured a Brtish Officers so Le Vert succeeds too (n.b. in future scenarios officers must fulfil their side plots)   
Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy has to be quick witted and use all his diplomatic skills to keep the alliance with Red Squirrel Fist and Running Bear alive.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Game 2 Raid on the Schoharie Trading Post.

General Briefing

The initial skirmish saw the French blow up the Blenheim bridge over the Schoharie Creek. However they failed to destroy the settlement, much to the displeasure of their Indian Allies who were promised that the foreigners would be driven from their hunting grounds. Red Squirrel Fist the son of one of the Chiefs of the Wyandots tribe is also disappointed as he was promised a bride.

Introducing  Lieutenant, the Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw. The second of two twins, he bears a startling resemblance to his late brother .

The game objective is a French Raid on  British  trading post. To win the French must destroy the buildings, the British need to prevent them. 3 Campaign points to each officer on the winning side. If half the buildings are destroyed its a draw, 1 point each.

Player Briefings

Le Vert French Regular officer
You are gaining experience of working with your Indian allies and Canadian irregulars. For this game you must decide your type Indian or irregular. You win 1 campaign point for each British Regular unit which is destroyed in the game, you also get 1 campaign point for each captured British officer. To capture an officer they must be defeated in combat and not scalped! Indians will scalp a defeated enemy unless you are in base contact with the enemy officer.

Running Bear
As yet your tribe is unaligned; some braves are with the French others with the British. In the last skirmish you collected the scalp of Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw, having decieded to side with the French after your war party received fire from the British. Today you have been promised much fire water by the pale skin French, as usual though they have been rather vague on how you'll get it. Your Fathers cousin "Red Squirrel Fist" is planning a big gathering and you will get much prestige from bringing fire water to it.

The firewater is at the trading post the French soldiers will help you capture it.

Your war party must collects more scalps than causalities, 1 campaign for point for achieving this, 2 campaign points if you manage to get 4 barrels of fire water. To collect a scalp you must spend one action after a melee taking the scalps from the dead/dying.

Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw British Officer
You have recently heard that your brother has been killed by savages. You have procured some rather fine Cognac for the wake at the regimental officers mess, its at a trading post, you have to collect it. Your side plot is simple you need to get the Cognac to the mess winning 2 campaign points, You will get an additional campaign point for each female guest you  persuade to join you at the wake. You will get an extra campaign point if true to character you avoid being in a melee. 

You have a coach and a wagon ( move on regulars or irregulars card your choice, but must be that card for entire game) Wagon and coach move at up to 5" per action. takes 2 man actions to load each barrel. 

Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy French Canadian

Running bear assisted you in the raid on Brunnendorf and to pay him you have promised him the cognac at Schoharie trading Post.
You objective is to capture 2 female prisoners, you promised Red Squirrel Fist in the local Wyandots tribe  a bride. He is a bit fussy so you better take 2, you need to capture 2 ladies and escape the area with them. You better succeed this time or "Red Squirrel Fist" will be after your scalp. You get 1 campaign point for each female prisoner.  You get 1 campaign point if  Running Bear gets the cognac in his possession.

The forces are

3 units French Canadian Militia
4 units Indians

1 large unit British Regulars
3 units militia
2 units rangers
6 civilians
1 coach
1 wagon

The British may have been weak

The table was 6x4, trees are symbolic, in our wilderness games The Whole table is wooded except where there is other terrain.

The Trading Post. The cognac is in one building and the Civilians split between them.
All the British have to be placed with 4 " of the buildings. The French are positioned 8" in from any single table edge.

On our game the French came in on the right. Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw must exit the "bottom" table edge in this photo.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Jaegar officer Johann von Ewald.

Fighting for the British leading a group of Jaegar.

The armies of Louis XIV invaded the Palatinate region of Germany, forcing residents to flee first to Holland, then by boat from Rotterdam to London. As they were victims of Britain’s enemy, these German-speaking Protestants were at first welcomed in London, and in 1709 the government issued sixteen hundred tents for Palatine encampments in Blackheath and elsewhere. Rather than live in tents in England von Ewalds family emigrated.

Johann painted  by Tom Frankland who is playing him in the campaign

Sunday, 2 June 2013

First game The bridge at Brunnendorf.

First game The bridge at Brunnendorf.

Context for the game.
The French have raided deep into the colony of New York. The local German settlers have sent word to the local British forces who are on the way to reinforce the settlement. The Blenheim bridge over the Schoharie Creek is an important river crossing.

This game introduces the player officers. There are 6 players. in no particular order they are:

Henri Leclerc, a French regular officer
Your objective is to engage and defeat any British regular troops. You will have succeeded if you kill more regular troops than you loose. Capturing any British Officer would be a great prize. You do not approve of the taking of scalps.

German Jaegar officer Johann von Ewald
Your cousin is in the village of Brunnendorf, Your objective is simple you are to rescue her.

Running Bear
As yet your tribe is unaligned; some braves are with the French others with the British. Your objective is simple collect scalps,  if your war party collects more scalps than causalities then you will have succeeded. To collect a scalp you must spend one action after a melee taking the scalps from the dead/dying.

Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw British Officer
Your father was at the Battle of Blenheim. You have heard that a bridge was built over Schoharie Creek to commemorate the Battle. You are taking your small detachment of regulars on a day trip to visit the bridge.  You objective is to make sure the bridge is not destroyed by any French raiders.

Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy French Canadian
You objective is to take female civilian prisoners, you promised a brave in the local Wyandots tribe  a bride. He is a bit fussy so you better take 2, you need to capture 2 ladies and escape the area with them.

Le Vert French Regular officer
Your objective is to destroy the bridge over Schoharie Creek. It takes 2 actions to lay the explosives and 1 to set it off.

The game was a French Raid on  British/German settlement. To win the French must destroy the buildings, the British need to prevent them.

The forces were

2 units of French regulars
2 units French Canadian Militia
3 units Indians

2 units British Regulars
2 units Germans Rangers ( stats as British)
3 units Indians in war canoes in reserve.

Just to be clear the whole table is wood, except for the road, enclosed fields, march and river banks. This saves on model trees but gives alot of cover and more of a frontier feel.

The Bears are just to add character, oh and to attack should the right event come up.

Running Bear's Indian War party. At this stage they are neutral, although probably going to side with the British. That was until Johann von Ewald's German rangers took a pot shot, and they decided to join with the French

Some recently acquired redoubt Indians in War canoes paddle behind the French Canadian Militia.

Running Bear's war party crosses the bridge to provide a distraction for Le Vert's engineers to place the gunpowder on the bridge.

Johann von Ewald's cousin leaves the settlement protected by German jaeger..

Le Vert supervises the placement of explosives.

Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw stands and take on Running Bear's war party.

Unfortunately the French Indians get another action, this resulted in Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw being scapled which unfortunately is a death for the player Character.

Henri Leclerc, a French regular officer - Achieved sideline objective

German Jaegar officer Johann von Ewald rescued his cousin.
Running Bear did take  the scalp of   Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw, however lost alot of braves

Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw British Officer was scalped and the bridge was blown.

Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy French Canadian failed to take any prisoners and barely escaped being scalped.

Le Vert French Regular officer blew the bridge.

In terms of game overall objective, it was  British victory as no buildings were destroyed.