First game The bridge at Brunnendorf.
Context for the game.
The French have raided deep into the colony of New York. The local German settlers have sent word to the local British forces who are on the way to reinforce the settlement. The Blenheim bridge over the Schoharie Creek is an important river crossing.
This game introduces the player officers. There are 6 players. in no particular order they are:
Henri Leclerc, a French regular officer
Your objective is to engage and defeat any British regular troops. You will have succeeded if you kill more regular troops than you loose. Capturing any British Officer would be a great prize. You do not approve of the taking of scalps.
German Jaegar officer Johann von Ewald
Your cousin is in the village of Brunnendorf, Your objective is simple you are to rescue her.
Running Bear
As yet your tribe is unaligned; some braves are with the French others with the British. Your objective is simple collect scalps, if your war party collects more scalps than causalities then you will have succeeded. To collect a scalp you must spend one action after a melee taking the scalps from the dead/dying.
Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw British Officer
Your father was at the Battle of Blenheim. You have heard that a bridge was built over Schoharie Creek to commemorate the Battle. You are taking your small detachment of regulars on a day trip to visit the bridge. You objective is to make sure the bridge is not destroyed by any French raiders.
Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy French Canadian
You objective is to take female civilian prisoners, you promised a brave in the local Wyandots tribe a bride. He is a bit fussy so you better take 2, you need to capture 2 ladies and escape the area with them.
Le Vert French Regular officer
Your objective is to destroy the bridge over Schoharie Creek. It takes 2 actions to lay the explosives and 1 to set it off.
The game was a French Raid on British/German settlement. To win the French must destroy the buildings, the British need to prevent them.
The forces were
2 units of French regulars
2 units French Canadian Militia
3 units Indians
2 units British Regulars
2 units Germans Rangers ( stats as British)
3 units Indians in war canoes in reserve.
Just to be clear the whole table is wood, except for the road, enclosed fields, march and river banks. This saves on model trees but gives alot of cover and more of a frontier feel.
The Bears are just to add character, oh and to attack should the right event come up.
Running Bear's Indian War party. At this stage they are neutral, although probably going to side with the British. That was until Johann von Ewald's German rangers took a pot shot, and they decided to join with the French
Some recently acquired redoubt Indians in War canoes paddle behind the French Canadian Militia.
Running Bear's war party crosses the bridge to provide a distraction for Le Vert's engineers to place the gunpowder on the bridge.
Johann von Ewald's cousin leaves the settlement protected by German jaeger..
Le Vert supervises the placement of explosives.
Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw stands and take on Running Bear's war party.
Unfortunately the French Indians get another action, this resulted in Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw being scapled which unfortunately is a death for the player Character.
Henri Leclerc, a French regular officer - Achieved sideline objective
German Jaegar officer Johann von Ewald rescued his cousin.
Running Bear did take the scalp of Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw, however lost alot of braves
Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw British Officer was scalped and the bridge was blown.
Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy French Canadian failed to take any prisoners and barely escaped being scalped.
Le Vert French Regular officer blew the bridge.
In terms of game overall objective, it was British victory as no buildings were destroyed.