Thursday, 6 June 2013

Game 2 Raid on the Schoharie Trading Post.

General Briefing

The initial skirmish saw the French blow up the Blenheim bridge over the Schoharie Creek. However they failed to destroy the settlement, much to the displeasure of their Indian Allies who were promised that the foreigners would be driven from their hunting grounds. Red Squirrel Fist the son of one of the Chiefs of the Wyandots tribe is also disappointed as he was promised a bride.

Introducing  Lieutenant, the Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw. The second of two twins, he bears a startling resemblance to his late brother .

The game objective is a French Raid on  British  trading post. To win the French must destroy the buildings, the British need to prevent them. 3 Campaign points to each officer on the winning side. If half the buildings are destroyed its a draw, 1 point each.

Player Briefings

Le Vert French Regular officer
You are gaining experience of working with your Indian allies and Canadian irregulars. For this game you must decide your type Indian or irregular. You win 1 campaign point for each British Regular unit which is destroyed in the game, you also get 1 campaign point for each captured British officer. To capture an officer they must be defeated in combat and not scalped! Indians will scalp a defeated enemy unless you are in base contact with the enemy officer.

Running Bear
As yet your tribe is unaligned; some braves are with the French others with the British. In the last skirmish you collected the scalp of Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw, having decieded to side with the French after your war party received fire from the British. Today you have been promised much fire water by the pale skin French, as usual though they have been rather vague on how you'll get it. Your Fathers cousin "Red Squirrel Fist" is planning a big gathering and you will get much prestige from bringing fire water to it.

The firewater is at the trading post the French soldiers will help you capture it.

Your war party must collects more scalps than causalities, 1 campaign for point for achieving this, 2 campaign points if you manage to get 4 barrels of fire water. To collect a scalp you must spend one action after a melee taking the scalps from the dead/dying.

Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw British Officer
You have recently heard that your brother has been killed by savages. You have procured some rather fine Cognac for the wake at the regimental officers mess, its at a trading post, you have to collect it. Your side plot is simple you need to get the Cognac to the mess winning 2 campaign points, You will get an additional campaign point for each female guest you  persuade to join you at the wake. You will get an extra campaign point if true to character you avoid being in a melee. 

You have a coach and a wagon ( move on regulars or irregulars card your choice, but must be that card for entire game) Wagon and coach move at up to 5" per action. takes 2 man actions to load each barrel. 

Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy French Canadian

Running bear assisted you in the raid on Brunnendorf and to pay him you have promised him the cognac at Schoharie trading Post.
You objective is to capture 2 female prisoners, you promised Red Squirrel Fist in the local Wyandots tribe  a bride. He is a bit fussy so you better take 2, you need to capture 2 ladies and escape the area with them. You better succeed this time or "Red Squirrel Fist" will be after your scalp. You get 1 campaign point for each female prisoner.  You get 1 campaign point if  Running Bear gets the cognac in his possession.

The forces are

3 units French Canadian Militia
4 units Indians

1 large unit British Regulars
3 units militia
2 units rangers
6 civilians
1 coach
1 wagon

The British may have been weak

The table was 6x4, trees are symbolic, in our wilderness games The Whole table is wooded except where there is other terrain.

The Trading Post. The cognac is in one building and the Civilians split between them.
All the British have to be placed with 4 " of the buildings. The French are positioned 8" in from any single table edge.

On our game the French came in on the right. Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw must exit the "bottom" table edge in this photo.

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