Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Game 2 Post Game report Raid on the Schoharie Trading Post.

 British Deployed in the Trading Post, French and Indian Allies entering from far table edge

 The British Regulars advance down the track, true to form without any light infantry accompanying them.

 The British regulars have been shot at and recoil into the wood.
 Event Card 1 and we roll 11, so there is a solar eclipse!
Night time rules in force until the event card is draw again next turn.

 The Rangers hastily retrieve the Cognac from the trading post building.

 Le Vert and Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy advance their forces and close in on the British regulars.
The British Rangers start to make for the canoes.

Running Bear's war party burns one of the buildings and takes on the Schoharie Militia, Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw allows the women in the canoes first and the cognac for his twin brothers wake.

The Militia take more fire from the French Canadians. 

The British Rangers now exposed and start to fire upon the French. Still 
Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw stands by and allows the women into the boats, what a gentleman....or rather unlucky the Civilian card came up before the British Regulars card!

Brave Honourable Montmorency Cholmondeley-Mainwaring Featherstonehaw has been attacked, he fell into the creek, and now has been set upon by Running Bear. Fortunately he avoids scalping as the French officers exert some discipline, recognising the opportunity to learn more about the British forces in New York Colony.

Rangers and Canadians exchange fire

The rangers return down creek to retrieve the Cognac, Running Bears braves have got carried away and gave shot the women. Red Squirel Fist is going to be most displeased his wedding will be off again! 

Hon Algernon Cholmondeley-Mainwaring-Featherstonehaw will get his wake as the Rangers make off with the cognac, unfortunately his twin will be unable to make it.

The French have burnt down the trading post and killed the civilians so winning the scenarios. 
Running Bear took more scalps than lost braves.
Running Bear captured a Brtish Officers so Le Vert succeeds too (n.b. in future scenarios officers must fulfil their side plots)   
Jean la Fleur Marqui Du Plaicy has to be quick witted and use all his diplomatic skills to keep the alliance with Red Squirrel Fist and Running Bear alive.

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